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Prayer at Holy Cross

Prayer is an important part of Catholic worship as it provides the opportunity to communicate with God and through this communication, our children develop a strong lasting relationship with Him.

In school, we will encourage your child to develop a special relationship with God. Even very young children have a sense of God, and in teaching children how to pray, we give them a verbal vocabulary to express what they already experience.

We encourage children to pray to God in a variety of ways, using both formal and informal prayers and reflection. To support us in this, it is really important that our children know some Catholic prayers by heart and are able to recite them clearly. The children are taught traditional Catholic prayers in appropriate year groups, building on prayers that they have already learnt in previous years. We learn the prayers both in our dedicated daily worship time, and during the school day or appropriate time of the year.

As parents, you have a very special role to play in developing the prayer life of your child. We hope that as you share these prayers, you enjoy a special closeness with your child and God, and that we can support you and your child to grow together in faith.

You can download the prayer books below.