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Religious Education


At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, our aim is to provide an inclusive and nurturing community in which each child has the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the Catholic faith, and their relationship with God. Our curriculum is rooted in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, promoting dignity, solidarity, and the common good.

We aim to foster an understanding and appreciation of the teachings of the Catholic Church, alongside a respectful exploration of diverse religious beliefs and practices, and an understanding of living in a multicultural, multi-faith society.

We aspire for our pupils to:

  • Develop a deep understanding of Catholic teachings, particularly those related to social justice, care for creation, and the inherent dignity of every person.
  • Cultivate confidence in discussing complex moral questions through the lens of their faith, grounded in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Exhibit kindness and compassion towards others, embodying the call to serve as modelled by Jesus Christ.
  • Foster a sense of excellence in their academic and personal lives, living out the core values of our school community while embracing the commitments of Catholic social Teaching, such as stewardship and community engagement.


At Holy Cross, we employ a variety of teaching methods and resources that cater to diverse learning styles and needs, providing opportunities for our pupils to learn, and demonstrate their learning, in a variety of ways:

  • Our RE curriculum, structured around the 'God Matters' scheme of work (approved by the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth for use in Catholic schools), encourages our pupils to make connections between their personal experiences and the teachings of the Catholic Church, particularly the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. The RE units, such as Creation and Revelation, are sequenced thoughtfully to build knowledge progressively, both across units and year upon year, ensuring coherence and demonstrating our commitment to excellence.
  • Lessons are designed to be interactive and thought-provoking, incorporating group discussions, role-play, opportunities for art, and practical hands-on activities that reflect our value of kindness, ensuring that every pupil feels valued and heard.
  • We support the social and cultural development of our pupils, recognising and celebrating every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God. In keeping with our school values, we teach our children to be kind, respectful and understanding of people and traditions from other faiths, cultures and backgrounds. 
  • We use a range of resources, including scripture, catechetical materials, artefacts, music, art, film, and community outreach activities that focus on social justice and service. Close partnerships with our School Chaplain and Parish Priest, local parishes and charities provide authentic opportunities for learning, promoting confidence and a commitment to community service in line with Catholic Social Teaching.
  • Ongoing assessment is integrated throughout the curriculum to monitor pupil progress and inform teaching practices, focusing on their understanding of each RE unit. Methods include the use of ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ tasks – linked to the ‘big’ RE question for each unit, alongside pupils voice and group discussions, all aligned with 'God Matters' outcomes.
  • Staff are committed to undertaking regular professional development on the 'God Matters' curriculum, Catholic Social Teaching principles, and in furthering their own subject knowledge, ensuring high-quality delivery of the RE programme.


The impact of our RE curriculum is evident through our pupils' growing confidence and competence in sharing their understanding, and in discussions on social and moral issues through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. Success can be seen in:

  • We monitor academic achievement within RE, ensuring that progress data demonstrates consistently high standards of learning. Pupil surveys and feedback indicate strong engagement and interest in the subject.
  • Our curriculum fosters a respectful and harmonious school environment where children learn to appreciate diversity, engage in acts of service, and resolve conflicts amicably, reflecting our value of kindness and the call to justice.
  • Pupils participate in service projects and interfaith dialogues, allowing them to apply their understanding of Catholic beliefs and Catholic Social Teaching in real-world contexts, thus reinforcing their confidence and commitment to living out our school values.
  • Evaluations show that pupils exhibit empathy, critical thinking, and moral reasoning skills grounded in their Catholic education and principles of Catholic Social Teaching. They demonstrate an ability to articulate their views on justice and human dignity while respecting the perspectives of others.
  • We actively seek feedback from parents and the community regarding our integration of the 'God Matters' curriculum and Catholic Social Teaching principles, reflecting a positive perception of our RE programme. Community involvement in school events and charitable initiatives further evidences the curriculum's success in building bridges based on shared values.
“An education in the fullness of humanity should be the defining feature of Catholic schools.”
Pope Francis